
Foreign Patent and Trademark Applications

At Passé Intellectual Property, we have associates in every country to help file and prosecute patent and trademark applications with our supervision. Our attorney, Jim Passé offers individuals, small businesses, and start-ups affordable and expert preparation and filing of their foreign patent and trademark applications.


Contact us for a free attorney consultation to have all your questions answered before you get started.

Passé Intellectual Property is a full-service patent law and trademark law firm providing:

  • Patent application preparation and filing
  • Patent application prosecution
  • Patent searches and legal patentability opinions
  • Validity opinions
  • Infringement opinions
  • Strategic patent advice and development
  • Trademark and trade name filing and prosecution
  • Foreign patent and trademark filing and prosecution

Attorney Jim Passé offers expertise in procuring patents for composition of matter, articles of manufacture, methods of use, business methods, manufactured articles, and the like in most technologies including:

  • Design Devices
  • Mechanical Devices
  • Internet-Based Inventions
  • Business Methods
  • Manufactured Articles
  • Polymers
  • Chip Etch Chemistry
  • Organic and Inorganic Chemistry
  • Electronic Devices
  • Life Science Related
  • Crop Chemistry
  • OTC Products
  • Medical Products
  • Electrical and Electricity- Based Devices
  • Pharmaceuticals
  • Biotechnology
  • Diagnostics

Contact us for more information regarding costs involved, the patent process, timelines, and to answer all your questions with a Free, no-obligation consultation with our senior patent and trademark attorney. All consultations regarding your idea, product, or invention, or any legal matter connected with it will be confidential, regardless of whether you choose to hire us or not.

Contact Us

Your next step is to call or email to set up your
Free initial attorney consultation.


1717 Brassfield Road, Raleigh, NC 27614

M-F: 9am-5pm

Sat.-Sun: Closed

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